Sunday, August 21, 2011

Meet my grandcats!

I'm very happy with the kids waiting on giving me grandkids. It means that I get to spoil my grandcats for a while! :)

Here they are, aren't they adorable?!?!

I am particularly happy with the chain in the background. I made it from scratch and wanted it to look like the chain they use for holding dog tags. I think it came out very well.

To make it, I set the spacing on my round brush at 150% and chose a light grey for the color. I brushed it on in a fairly random pattern and then reset the spacing to 1% and connected the dots. I connected them individually so it would look more natural. I played with the glass button, bevel, and drop shadow settings, but finally settled on the Wow Chrome Shiny Edge setting. It was a little darker than I wanted, and lightening it in the Enhance Color menu didn't have much effect. I found that by reducing the opacity just a bit I got a lighter metallic look.

Without other add-ons (I know they make several just for the metallic look), this is what I came up with! Let me know what you think!

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